
Showing posts from 2018

10 ways to build confidence every day by Sally Kirchell

No one is born with innate self confidence, its something we have to learn to nurture and grow by Sally Kirchell, Wall Art makes life worth living No one is born with all the confidence in the world. We were all once squishy little babies that could only do nothing but cry and whine. However certain factors most especially from the environment we were born into started to impact us and formulate a pattern for our lives and before long we all evolved into who we were today. While it is true that genetics play a part in forming our character and personality, a huge part of how we perceive and see ourselves is a function of where and how we grew up. Thus we can say, that the level of self-esteem and confidence you have today is primarily a function of how you were raised and not a natural or permanent part of who you are. The bottom line is this, no matter how low your self-confidence is at the moment it’s not a permanent fixture of your character and you can do something to bo


Choosing the right shoes for an outfit require a little bit of fashion sense.  Back in the old days, people just wake up, select anything available at that moment and they believe it matches with what they have worn. But now the world is modernized and fashion has taken it to the next level whereby people are now fashion conscious. it has gone so wide that even kids know the right shoe that would go with their outfit,they always want to look good on the outside world.  Below are some steps to consider;  * SELECT THE RIGHT SHOE  We ladies always have different type of shoes for different occasions but you must select the right shoe that make you comfortable, balanced and easy to work.  For example, we have the Heels/Flat shoe(low&high), Sneakers(boot). HEELS Heels shoes has its own way of making you look more classy. It can give you a very good match depending on your outfit, it can be worn on short dresses, pencil skirts, pantsuits, long dresses. The high he

BEAUTY: Easy Way To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

The eyes plays a necessity part in physical attraction, they tell a lot about a person and their overall health. Dark discoloration of the skin under the eye is mainly referred to as dark circles. It is also known as dark rings or shadows. Some of the main causes behind the formation of dark circles are hereditary, aging, dryness of skin, too much crying, working for long hours before the computer, mental or physical stress, lack of sleep and unhealthy diet plan. Both men and women of different age groups can have dark circles. Here are top 10 ways to get rid of Dark Circles fast. Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but people often look for ways to get rid of dark circles as it usually make people look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and old.  You can easily get rid of unsightly shadows under your eyes with the help of some simple and easy home remedies. Cucumber Cucumber is a very good astringent and has got skin lightening properties also. For quick tre


Hurray! It's a New Month Every New Month is like a fresh piece of paper, and only you decide what will be written on it.  Believe in your dreams! Go and do Exploits! Wishing you the best! May this month have a successful start and alot of great achievements in the end.  Have a great month Ahead... UCEEGOLD values YOU!  HAPPY NEW MONTH  

Hair Care Tips#18

One important aspect of our body we should look out for is our HAIR and knowing how to maintain it's growth. Today we got four(4) hair care tips below: 1. USAGE OF COCONUT OIL Coconut oil is the richest natural source of  (MCFAs) which is a nourishing oil with hundreds of uses, It can certainly be beneficial for certain hair types when used correctly. One of the problem behind improper hair growth is the dryness of the scalp and to prevent that from happening, you can actually use coconut in massaging your scalp. Aside from promoting the growth cells in your hair, coconut oil can also minimize protein loss in your locks, as well as prevent lice accumulation. 2.  AVOID ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Alot of people take alcoholic drinks without knowing some of the effects. Drinking of alcohol drinks will not just affect your health in general, but it can also prevent your hair from growing properly. Reasons because, alcohol can decrease the level of zinc that your body has, and th


We all know that eagles is a common name for large birds but there certain habits about an eagles. Eagles has symbols of beauty, bravery, courage, honour, pride, determination, fearlessness, tenacious, grace and powerful vision! Here are 6 principles we can learn from an Eagle; 1. EAGLES LOVE THE STORM When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree. * MEANING *; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably. 2. EAGLES HAVE AN

Happy Father's Day

Father’s Day is just the perfect Day to Celebrate and say a warming heartfelt words or messages! Thanking them for their encouragement, support, and wisdom over the years and years to come.... Let’s celebrate our Father’s with some sweet messages: * No matter how tall you grow, A father is someone you look up to. I am indeed blessed to have you as my dad... I love you * Dear Dad. Thank you for giving me the best things in my life in the form of your time and love. I am grateful to have as my dad. * A father is your pillar of strength  for being the best pop ever. Love you. * Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad. You are my super hero * Thank you for being there every day with all the love and help I have ever needed. All the best to you Dad! We can't hide the fact that Fathers are very special to us and what we can say is thanks for being Our Dad, Our Priest, Our King, Our Pastors, Our leaders.... HAPPY FATHER'S DAY  WE LOVE

Hair Care Tips#17

Most times we dont know that they are things that hinder hair growth and some simple things that quicken hair growth. Today hair care tips will point of things you should Eat and things to Prevent; 1 . Eat a healthy breakfast: Eating a full and healthy breakfast meal can enhance the growth of your hair, aside from ensuring that your body would work efficiently. A good recipe for it though would consist of equal parts of honey, brewers yeast, soy lecithin, wheat germ, and yogurt. 2.  Eating foods that are high in iron content: Iron is a mineral that is needed by your body in order to have proper hair growth. Aside from that, it can also prevent hair loss. With that, it is best to eat foods that are high in iron content, so that your hair would grow faster. Some of the foods that you can eat for it would be liver, beans, red meat, egg yolks, and spinach. 3.  Get enough rest: Sleeping for 8 hours each night applies not just on your general health. It can also have beneficial ef


Giving a speech or presentation in a public setting is something most of us will either have to do at some point in our careers. Speaking  infront of a crowd is not easy especially when you are shy person. They are many people who have phobia for public speaking that's why most people end up making use of the wrong words. There are alot of things you shouldn't do or say during public speaking. Here are eight(8) public speaking tips you should know; 1) Don't use the word 'uhm' 'emm'      When you are asked a question during presentation or interview, Avoid making use of such word to answer a question. Identify your annoying words then start removing it from your daily interaction.  2) Smile and make eye contact       Smiling is very important in public speaking because your expression to whosoever you are talking to really matters. It also give a good impression about you. Also try to have eye contact with 2nd party because i

Health: If you want a healthy liver, eat these 8 foods

Every time we go out at the weekend and have a tad too much to drink, we joke about the damage we’re doing to our liver. But have you ever stopped to really think about the damage you’re doing and how diet can play an important role in keeping your liver healthy? In this article, we list eight important foods that you should eat to keep a healthy liver. 1) Cabbage : Cabbage isn’t to everyones taste but if you don’t mind it, it’s well worth eating more of it as it boosts enzymes in your liver that eliminate pesky toxins. 2) Broccoli : Broccoli is perhaps more well-known as a “brain food” but it also supports your liver – just like its brassica vegetable siblings, such as cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. 3) Grapefruit : One of the most bitter fruits on the planet, grapefruit is a great way to get your metabolism firing in the morning. It’s a bit of an acquired taste but if you love it, it’s time to eat more of it as grapefruit cleanses your liver and supports its a


Hey lovies, Life inspirational quotes reminds us that we should never give up, they helps us focus our mind on the needful and they give directions... Here are 10 life inspirational quotes by different authors that will inspire you to look at life in a more positive way and help you get through hard times and pains; #1 “Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around…” -Unknown #2 “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” - Thich Nhat Hanh #3 “When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.” -Unknown #4 “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” -Leo Buscaglia #5 “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” -William Butler Yeats #6  “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience o

Campus Lifestyle: Beauty Entrepreneurial Workshop with House of Tara/ Rhobes Place Nigeria

Uniben is Experiencing a 2-Day Power Pack Beauty Entrepreneurial Workshop with House of Tara/ Rhobes Place Nigeria. Don't be left out.  In the bid to make young people, young men and ladies alike to know how to empower themselves in the cosmetic sector, Rhobes Place  Nigeria is bringing to you a beauty/entrepreneurial workshop in collaboration with House of Tara international  live in University of Benin (Uniben).  For registration and confirmation of attendance simply click on the  link    If you have reservations or questions, do not hesitate to contact this number 07068674831 via  WhatsApp / Phone call. Thank you...

Hair Care Tips#16

Hey lovies, To keep an healthy hair isn't a one day thing but we love showing you the way forward on maintaining a lovely hair. Today's Hair Tips Below: GREEN TEA Drinking green tea has alot of help to offer to the hair. There are lots of benefits you can derive when you drink green tea; One of which is proper health growth, since it increases blood circulation. There are certain compounds that are found in green tea, which facilitate this effect, due to its ability to relax blood vessels; and, with better circulation, your hair would be able to receive the nourishment that it needs. SCALP RECOGNITION  You need to Recognize your scalp problems and how they can be treated. There are lots of different scalp problems, which can affect the growth of your hair. Some of which would be dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, dry scalp, scalp psoriasis, and scalp acne. It is important to know the signs that indicate these problems. Aside from that, you should also learn how


Hey Cuties, I welcome you to a new month!!! Everyday is a new day, this is the opening day of the new month which promises to be a new beginning and new opportunities for you. Take a lengthy breath and begin to move towards your purpose. I wish all good fortune in the month of June... Happy June! Happy New Month! UCEEGOLD CARES!!!

Hair Care Tips#15

HAIR MASK Hair mask is important for maintenance of the hair,  and  are not just meant for individuals with hair problems. There are lots of things that you can use as hair mask. Some of which would include eggs, essential oils, powdered herbs, clay, and henna. You can combine these substances or use them on your own if you want to. By creating a hair mask from these things, you can tame curls, enhance shine, increase its strength, which can all contribute to its health and growth rate. "Hair mask are magical hair treatments that are not only to repair, nourish, and hydrate hair, but they also help maintain it". LABEL CHECKING  Do not forget to check the labels of any product you are getting for your hair. There are certain types of product for example; shampoos, which may contain substances that can do more harm than good. Because of that, you should never forget reading the labels of the shampoos that you are about to purchase. Make sure that it does not contain

10 Inspirational Quotes by Michael B. Jordan

Hey lovies,  We know that motivational quotes helps in encouraging people with uplifting words that they could reflect on and be inspired. Here are some best quotes of Michael B. Jordans: #1 “You can only fool reality until the truth comes knocking on your door.” #2 “Equality means having the same rights and liberties and opportunities regardless of our differences.”  #3 “Don’t pretend to know everything. I’ve been blessed to work with a lot of veteran actors, and I soak up lessons from them like a sponge.”  #4 “I want people to leave the theatre and think, ‘How can I be a better person?’ That’s the only way things are going to improve.”  #5 “So you tell yourself to just do the work and disconnect, because you have no control over the outcome.”  #6 “Taking a break, taking a moment, is super important.”  #7 “Sometimes family doesn’t always consist of your relatives or by blood. Sometimes your best friends can feel more like family than y

Let's Talk Depression And Ways To Deal With It

Depression is a leading contributor to the global burden of diseases worldwide. This suggests how important it is to encourage awareness about depression. Ironically, depression causes so much suffering, yet it remains surrounded by myths and misconceptions. There is a lot more than constant anxiety, restlessness, and indecisiveness that mark this serious mood disorder. Who gets affected by depression? Depression is common in older people and is often associated with their physical conditions. The incidence of depression can also be traced in children as young as 6-11 years old. Depression is also common in women following childbirth. It affects 1 in 6 women who have given birth. How does depression affect people? Patients suffering from the depression experience double burden of distress and ridicule. Depression affects a person’s ability to carry out their everyday tasks and can have devastating consequences on their relationships with family and friends. Fortunately,

Usefulness of Ginger to the Hair!!!

Ginger is not only prescribed as natural medicine which is great for health purpose! it is also good for hair growth. It is one of the best food ingredient you can use to promote your hair for healthy growths. There are many ways ginger can be used for hair; Ginger can be use for hair loss and hair maintenance. Ginger can serve as a form of shampoo/conditioner. Ginger can be used to resolve Dandruff. Ginger can be used for hair re-growth. Ginger has many health benefits, including balancing blood sugar and supporting heart health.  However, lets look at some Benefits Of Ginger For Hair Growth: *Ginger is a good source of essential fatty acids that prevent thinning of hair and eventually stops hair loss. It also has good anti-inflammatory properties. *Ginger is a natural ingredient to get strong healthy hair which strengthens the hair from the roots to the tip that aids hair growth. *Dandruff is a common problem to the scalp that leads to hair loss,which ca

10 Inspirational Quotes on Fear!

Overcoming fear is a skill that anyone can learn,If you want to get rid of and eliminate your worries. Here are some quotes for fear;  1. “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.” -Henry Ford 2. “You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.” - Eric Hoffer 3. “Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.” -Robert Louis Stevenson 4. “Don’t fear, just live right.” -Neal A. Maxwell 5. “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” -Marie Curie 6. “Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.” -Karl Augustus Menninger 7. “Ignorance is the parent of fear.” - Herman Melville 8. “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”’ -Ralph Waldo Emerson 9. “Laughter is poison to fear.” -George R.R. Martin 10.

Hair Care Tips#14

Hey lovies, Today we got tips that could be of good interest to you... You never know what could be nice and at the same time can damage the hair but we always want you to have a healthy hair. Here are some tips: HOT WATER Using warm water from time to time is not bad. However, when you use hot water, it is actually not good for your hair, since it can make it brittle. This practice can result to split ends, aside from the fact that it can hinder proper hair growth. Thus, you should not wash your hair with hot water since it doesnt really bring any kind of good to it. Warm water for a regular hair wash is recommended by the expert dermatologists as it carries away maximum dirt from the hairs and do not dry out the scalp. it is better warm than hot. HOT OIL TREATMENT Going through hot oil treatments is beneficial to your hair. This is because, aside from stimulating hair follicles, it also maintains proper moisture in your scalp, which can prevent dryness and even dan

Tips on Coffee Hair Treatment

Do you know that coffee isn't just for when you wake up from sleep or when you want to stay awake for a long period of time,it is more than that.     According to recent research, Coffee can stimulate hair growth while adding depth to dark hair and increasing shine, it's important not to use coffee treatment on very light or bleached hair. Now lets take you through the process to making your hair grow; COFFEE HAIR TREATMENT what you'll need: 2 table spoon of cofee per cup 6 Oz of water  Coffee pot or kettle 2 bowls Know  that you can decide to brew a stronger coffee.  Procedure; Brew a strong amount of cofee in the coffee pot or get a small cup, pour appropriate amount of grounds into it and then add enough hot water. Allow the coffee to cool down while you shampoo your hair.  Rinse the shampoo properly, make sure all the shampoo is out.  Squeeze out excess water from your hair, make sure it isn't  dripping wet.  Set a bowl and pour the coffee


Crochet braids are techniques that involves crocheting synthetic hair extensions to the natural hair.  Crochet is very stylish and protets your natural hair... Crochet hairstyles are very easy to make!it saves you the stress of sitting down for a long period of time and there is no need spending too much money in order to obtain a natural look. Ladies with crochet hairstyles looks neat and tidy because there are creative hairstyles made with crochet weavon which gives a Adorable look to the hair. Crochet braids are totally different with box braids.  This hairstyle can be done for both kids and Adults. It could also be done with a long or short hair and this hairstyle shows creativity with different colour and texture of our hair. We have different types of crochet hairstyles which are crochet braids,crochet ponytail, crochet Bun, crochet kinky twist, crochet curly bob etc Below are different pictures of simple crochet hairstyles you can rock; #1 #2 #3 #4