Notable Quotes For Today

Be more concerned
with your character
than your
because your
character is
what you really
are, while your
reputation is
merely what
others think you are". - John Wooden.

"So long as thou are ignorant be not ashamed to
learn. Ignorance is the greatest of all infirmities,
and when justified, the chiefest of all follies". -
Izaak Walton

"If you would stand well with a great mind, leave
him with a favorable impression of yourself if
with a little mind, leave him with a favorable
impression of himself". - Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

"The man is a success who has lived well,
laughed often, and loved much who has gained
the respect of intelligent men and the love of
children who has filled his niche and
accomplished his task who leaves the world
better than he found it, whether by an improved
poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul who
never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or
failed to express it who looked for the best in
others and gave the best he had". - Robert Louis

"The ineffable joy of forgiving and being forgiven
forms an ecstasy that might well arouse the envy
of the gods". - Elbert Hubbard.

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and
be nothing". - Elbert Hubbard.

"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is be satisfied
with your opinions and content with your
knowledge". - Elbert Hubbard.

"So long as thou are ignorant be not ashamed to
learn. Ignorance is the greatest of all infirmities,
and when justified, the chiefest of all follies". -
Izaak Walton

"There is no conversation more boring than the
one where everybody agrees". - Michel de

"He who establishes his argument by noise and
command shows that his reason is weak". -
Michel de Montaigne

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and
love the people with whom fate brings you
together, but do so with all your heart". - Marcus
Aelius Aurelius

"If you are distressed by anything external, the
pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own
estimate of it and this you have the power to
revoke at any moment". - Marcus Aelius Aurelius

"We ought to do good to others as simply as a
horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine
bears grapes season after season without
thinking of the grapes it has borne". - Marcus
Aelius Aurelius

"I don't believe in pessimism. If something
doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead.
If you think it's going to rain, it will". - Marcus
Aelius Aurelius

"A good man does not spy around for the black
spots in others, but presses unswervingly on
towards his mark". - Marcus Aelius Aurelius

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and
love the people with whom fate brings you
together, but do so with all your heart". - Marcus
Aelius Aurelius

"Advice is like snow the softer it falls, the longer
it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the
mind". - Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

"Language is the armory of the human mind, and
at once contains the trophies of its past and the
weapons of its future conquests". - Samuel Taylor



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